Thursday 29 July 2021

Cardboard Village Craft

 It's our first week of the summer holidays and the weather hasn't been great! So the kids have been enjoying painting and crafting indoors. This craft has been great because its something they've been able to do over a couple of days, painting one day and crafting the next. 

I started off by drawing and cutting out the village from a used cardboard box, there's no need to waste the off cuts these can be used to add detail like doors and roof tiles. I then gave it a quick base coat of white paint to help the coloured paint show up on the cardboard. The box will need an hour or so to dry but I left these over night for them to paint the next day.   

The kids loved picking the colours and designing how their houses were going to look. On the first day they painted them and we left them over night to dry. Then on the second day they added crafty bits to add detail. This is definitely one to try!


Cardboard Box



Paint/ Paint Brushes


Any Crafty Bits You Have!


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